Our Trainings

OPENR has an activity of training organization registered by the Prefecture of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté under the number 27210422021.

Since April 2022, Qualiopi certification has confirmed our organization and ensures the promise of quality training for the wind energy for the wind and maritime industries.

To maintain or increase your skills, we offer training courses in French or English and the VAT exemption (article 261-4-4 of the general tax code).

All actors of the wind industry for several years, our trainers are experienced in the development, construction and operation of multi-brand wind farms and have a QHSE expertise. They are trained according to BZEE/GWO standards as well as on specific brands of rescue/evacuation systems.

We intervene within short deadlines and throughout the country in training centers, on customer sites or in wind turbines according to your specifications.

OPENR training activities in 2024 mean:

% Overall satisfaction
% Of trainees recommend OPENR training courses
Stagiaire vert
Trainees trained
Sessions as a Training Organization
Sessions as a subcontractor for wind energy training organizations

Wear safety harness / Work at height :

Training objectives :

✓ Acquire knowledge and basic skills for proper use of PPE against falls from heights.

✓ Use in safe conditions a safety harness and PPE against falls from heights, occasional or regular use.

✓ Perform a rescue in case of fall from height in the harness.

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Rescue/evacuate from wind turbine with emergency evacuation device :

Training objectives :

✓ Update knowledge and review the emergency scenarios encountered in the wind industry (onshore/offshore).

✓ Acquire skills and autonomy for proper use of the emergency evacuation devices available in wind turbines.

✓ Perform independently a rescue at height and evacuation using the emergency evacuation devices, according to the emergency situations encountered in the wind industry.

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Perform periodic check of Personal Fall Protection Systems :

Training objectives :

✓ Know specifications and points of vigilance on Personal Fall Protection Systems (PFPS).

✓ Know the conditions of use and precautions on PFPS.

✓ Acquire the method to inspect the good condition of PFPS.

✓ Prepare and write an inspection report.

✓ Organize the material follow-up.

Read more about PFPS periodic check …

Read more about PFPS periodic check Refesh …

Use a service lift in the wind turbine : 

Training objectives :

✓ Know the operating instructions and safety instructions for the service lift.

✓ Perform independently the daily check before use of the service lift.

✓ Carry out the service lift emergency evacuation procedure.

✓ Use independently the service lift to access the wind turbine.

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Use a POWER CLIMBER service lift (level 1) : 

Training objectives :

✓ Know the operating instructions and safety instructions for the service lift.

✓ Perform independently the daily check before use of the service lift.

✓ Carry out the service lift emergency evacuation procedure.

✓ Use independently the service lift to access the windturbine.

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Use a dockside loading crane

✓ Know the technical specifications of the crane and its equipment

✓ Identify and prevent risks related to the use of the crane and its equipment

✓ Know and implement the crane safety systems

✓ Carry out independently the pre-use inspection of the crane and its equipment

✓ Move loads and use safely the crane and its equipment

✓ Store the crane

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Implement hand signals for slinger/signaller 

✓ Identify and prevent risks related to slinging and use of lifting equipment

✓ Know how to use and implement command gestures to perform operations of lifting loads

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Use a dockside loading crane, slinger/signaller

✓ Know the technical specifications of the crane and its equipment

✓ Identify and prevent risks related to slinging and use of the crane and its equipment

✓ Know and implement the crane safety systems

✓ Carry out independently the pre-use inspection of the crane and its equipment

✓ Move loads and use safely the crane and its equipment, know how to use command gestures

✓ Store the crane

 Read more

RGPD on training requests :

In accordance with article 34 of the law “informatique et libertés”, you have the right to access, modify, rectify or delete information concerning you. You can unsubscribe by sending an email request at rgpd@openr.fr

Access to people with disabilities :

OPENR undertakes to study on a case-by-case basis the possibility of making its training accessible to people with disabilities. The organization adhere to the values of the “Resource Handicap Formation” proposed by Agefiph and BTPCFA as part of its regional approach. For any request, contact the OPENR Training Manager (disability advisor) whose contact details are available on the last page of this contract .


Privacy notice : OPENR training organization registered by the Prefecture of Bourgogne Franche-Comté under the activity number 27210422021. This number does not constitute a government approval.


Training manager:

